How to Develop Your Intuition and Receive Accurate Guidance Always

How to Develop Your Intuition

If you’re like most people, you probably think of your intuition as a hunch or “gut feeling.” But did you know that there’s more to it than that? Intuition is a powerful tool that we can all use to receive accurate guidance and make better decisions. In this article, we’ll explore how to develop your intuition and ways to make sure you’re receiving accurate information. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and learning how to trust your intuition!

What is intuition?

Intuition means direct knowing or inner knowing. The ability to know something without reasoning or explanation. Intuition is not limited to the physical senses, as it transcends the physical body and operates beyond time or space. Intuition is the “voice” of your inner being, or higher self.

So what’s exactly is intuition – Intuition is our ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s a kind of knowledge that we can access unconsciously or “know” instinctively. Many times, it can help us make decisions quickly and accurately, without having to weigh all the options and pros and cons. Intuition can also be associated with creativity, as it often allows us to come up with new ideas or solutions by thinking outside the box. In general, intuition is considered a valuable tool that can help us navigate through life.

Intuition is a feeling or hunch that comes to you without consciously thinking about it. It’s usually associated with a strong sense of knowing something without being able to explain why. Intuition is often called your “gut feeling”, because more often than not, it’s accurate.

Intuition is thought to be your subconscious mind trying to communicate with you. It’s believed that the subconscious mind is always working, even when you’re not paying attention to it. So if you learn how to listen and trust your intuition, it can be a powerful tool for making decisions in your life.

Intuition works through insights, urges, sensations, or even through dreams. It always appears as a good feeling, a joyful impulse, as the right thing to do at the moment. Intuition can help you find information that cannot be known by any other means.

What are the signs of intuition

There are many signs of intuition, but some of the most common ones include feeling a strong sense of knowing or understanding something without knowing how or why you know it, having a strong gut feeling about something, and seeing things in your mind’s eye very clearly.

Other signs can include synchronicities (meaningful coincidences), déjà vu experiences, and strong hunches or impulses. Some people also report experiencing physical sensations like goosebumps or chills when they have a strong intuitive hit.

What is an example of intuition?

An example of intuition would be if you were considering two different job offers. You might not have all the information you need to make a decision, but your intuition will tell you which one is the better choice. Another example would be if you were dating someone and you had a feeling that they weren’t right for you, even though they seemed perfect on paper.

How to tap into your intuition

There are many ways to tap into your intuition. The most important thing is to be open and receptive to the signals that your intuition is sending you.

Some simple ways to tap into your intuition include:

  1. Pay attention to your hunches and gut feelings. If you get a feeling that something is off or wrong, chances are that there is some truth to it.
  2. Make time for yourself each day to relax and connect with your inner guidance. This could be through meditation, prayer, journaling, or simply taking some time for yourself in nature.
  3. Practice mindfulness and observe the thoughts that come and go without judgement. This will help you develop a greater sense of detachment from the ego mind and allow your intuition to speak more clearly.
  4. Ask for guidance when making decisions big or small.

Learn to trust your intuition.  The more you recognize true intuition and follow it, the more clear your intuitive guidance gets. Your intuition comes from your inner being, soul or higher self.

Start by paying attention to your intuitive insights, urges, ideas, feelings. Intuition is always working for you and is available 24/7 to guide you, if you but listen to it.

Exercise to develop your intuition

Have a purpose. Think of a goal or project you always wanted to do, and ask your higher self for intuitive guidance on the best way to accomplish that goal.

Be still. The first step is to learn to be still and silent. This can be achieved through practices such as meditation or mindfulness. Once you have learned to be still, you can then start to become aware of the subtle signals your intuition is sending you.

Listen to your intuition. Be open and receptive to intuitive ideas, urges or hunches. Sometimes these signals will be feelings, and other times they might manifest as thoughts, images, or physical sensations. It’s important to learn to trust these signals, and then act on them accordingly. You might find that your intuition leads you in the right direction more times than not.

Take action: Act on this guidance when you receive it. Take some action immediately. Take the first step. Schedule the remaining steps in your calendar to follow through.

Be Grateful. Give thanks.

Remember a few times in your past where you had some insight, urge or idea to do something, and you acted upon it and the results were more successful than if you had you followed your usual way to do it.

Repeat the above steps with a different goal.

Intuition is beyond the intellect

The human intellect has its purpose. Logical reasoning is important, no question about that. But intuition works on a higher level or frequency, thus it is beyond the physical or mental faculties as we know them to be. Most great inventions were born out of the creative flashes of intuition.

There should be no conflict between the intellect and intuition. understand that intuition is a different faculty and can coexist with other mental faculties in harmony.

A modern example to illustrate the difference between intellect and intuition, Lets say you are planning to move toward a geographic destination, the intellect may be compared to a printed map, highlighted with the best route to take according to that map. But intuition is compared to having GPS guidance with real-time traffic  and weather data, that can guide you moment by moment of any sudden traffic incidents or inclement weather conditions, not only that but re-routes you to the best, safest and fastest route to your chosen destination.

The intellect can only think of logical steps to do something but intuition is free and open to many other possibilities that can lead you to your goal faster and with less effort.

Is intuition the same as a gut feeling

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s often described as a “gut feeling”, because many people say that their intuition comes from a feeling in their gut.

However, intuition and gut feelings are not the same. Intuition is a cognitive process that allows you to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Gut feelings, on the other hand, are emotions that are based on instinctual reactions that often occur subconsciously. Intuition can also be based on other sensations, such as a feeling in your heart or a feeling of warmth in your chest.

Intuition is often linked with creativity and insight. Many people believe that intuition is a source of knowledge that comes from someplace outside of the normal everyday consciousness. Intuitive insights may be sudden and without warning, but they’re usually very clear and easy to understand once you’ve had them.

Receiving accurate inner guidance

Intuition is spontaneous. Learn to allow yourself to receive intuitive guidance. Do not try to force receiving your guidance, just relax and you will get it. The trick is to recognize your intuitive guidance when it happens. Intuitive guidance can occur in many forms, as a symbol, as a thought or idea, or maybe seeing or listening to someone say something that might be right on target to help you realize what you are seeking at that moment.

To make that easy, try to be flexible in your thinking or planning. Be open to new ideas and inner urges. The more you trust your intuitive flashes and act upon them in the moment, the more accurate your guidance will be and the more aligned you will be with your soul’s purpose. You will start being more creative, more productive and more fulfilled.

Intuition FAQs

How do I start trusting my intuition?

To start trusting your intuition, practice mindfulness and pay attention to your inner voice. Be patient and give yourself time to build a stronger connection with your intuition. Reflect on past experiences where your intuition proved to be correct to build trust in your instincts.

How do you know if your intuition is telling you something?

You’ll know your intuition is telling you something if you experience a sudden gut feeling, a strong sense of knowing, or an inner voice that speaks to you. These intuitive signals may appear without any apparent logic or reason but often hold valuable insights.

How do I trust my intuition when I have anxiety?

To trust your intuition when dealing with anxiety, practice grounding techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to calm your mind. It can help you differentiate between anxiety-driven thoughts and genuine intuitive messages. Over time, you’ll become more attuned to your inner voice.

How do I overcome bad intuition?

Overcoming bad intuition involves recognizing when your instincts may have led you astray and learning from those experiences. Practice mindfulness and engage in self-reflection to improve your intuitive abilities. Remember that intuition is not infallible, and it’s crucial to balance it with rational thinking.

How do I connect deeper to my intuition?

To connect deeper to your intuition, practice regular meditation, journaling, or other mindfulness techniques that help you tune into your inner voice. Create a quiet space and make time for self-reflection. As you become more aware of your intuition, your connection will naturally deepen.

What triggers intuition?

Intuition can be triggered by various factors, such as personal experiences, emotional cues, and subtle environmental signals. Our subconscious mind processes these inputs and provides us with intuitive insights. Developing greater self-awareness and mindfulness can help you become more receptive to these triggers.

How do you know if it’s intuition or overthinking?

Intuition often feels like a sudden insight, a gut feeling, or a strong sense of knowing without any logical explanation. Overthinking, on the other hand, involves excessive analysis, doubt, and second-guessing. To distinguish between the two, practice mindfulness and self-awareness to better understand the nature of your thoughts and feelings.


Intuition is an amazing faculty that we all have, and it can be easily developed with a bit of practice. Intuition had become a well-regarded topic in scientific and popular literature. Receiving accurate guidance from your intuition can help you achieve your goals much faster than if you were to try to do everything on your own. By learning to trust and develop your intuition, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities for growth and success in every area of your life.

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Last Updated on November 26, 2024

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