You Already Have Everything You Need to Manifest Your Dreams

You already have Everything You Need to Manifest Your Dreams

You already have all the raw materials and everything you need to manifest your dreams and transform your desires into realities.

A skilled sculptor looks at a rough rock, and he/she  sees a beautiful statue.

The sculptor at this point already owns the statue.

All that needs to be done is to use the tools to reveal the picture he/she has in mind. You already have everything you need to manifest your dreams.

You already have everything you need to manifest your desires.

All you need to do is to focus upon and see the aim you carved for yourself, regardless of the outer “reality” around you.

You need to believe that this is so, in spite of any conditions to the contrary.

Train your thinking and feeling to see the desired aim, the reality you want, the “beautiful statue” amid the rough circumstances of life.

That reality is your reality.

You already own it.

It is your creation.

Expect it to manifest in your outer experience.

It is just a matter of time before it appears in your physical three-dimensional reality.

Equip yourself with the tools and techniques needed to manifest financial abundance, as detailed in our Spiritual Techniques for Financial Abundance article.

Last Updated on November 26, 2024

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